Saturday, April 26, 2008


No...I am not playing with my caps lock key.

That is the number, in meters, that I hiked today in the Swiss Alps. :D Big smile and grin.

I left Wilhelmshaven, Germany yesterday and arrived in St. Gallen, Switzerland to stay with a very cool friend of a friend. He's a big mountain, outdoors guy from Canada who has had the joy of moving to Switzerland for work. He was awesome enough to take me out to the mountains today. We started our hike and actually summited the mountain. Not such a big deal for him but for me it was amazing. We hiked in the sun and the beautiful setting of the swiss Alps and it was beyond words. I will have photos soonish. Hopefully tonight. There was snow at the top and, even though my feet got wet, it was great. Absolutely great.

We ate lunch at the top and then caught the train down the mountain and came back to the house. I am thinking about taking a day trip or two while I'm in Switzerland before I head to Ireland. I am really excited about Ireland. I've been there twice and every time I go I feel like I've come home.

I went for the first time when I was 17 with my high school choir. I remember, I stepped off the plane and something slipped into my soul that felt right. I disregarded it somewhat because I figured I was starstruck by being out of the country for the first time. And then I went back with my friend Jen during an interesting period in my life and it happened again.

They say third time's a charm.

We went out last night in St. Gallen to some live music bars and hung out with some cool friends of my host and had a blast. We went to a club called The Barracco and heard an amazing, amazing group of singers and musicians. They ended with the most impassioned and beautiful rendition of Purple Rain I've ever heard. It was magic. :D

At the moment, i'm chillin' out before dinner listening to Counting Crows. Good stuff. I am going to try and get my pics uploaded and taken care of this evening.

Also-I haven't forgotten about my chapter 5. I had a bit of insight on the train over here from Germany to Switzerland so I'm going to try and condense that into some coherent thoughts and get it posted. It's going to be a busy next couple of days but I think I can manage. I just have to make the time hehe. (c:

Alrighty...more later.


Sylvia said...

I saw your post that said you were in Lausanne and clicked through to your blog, to say "that's funny, I'm going to be there in a fortnight".

Just to see you are in St Gallen, where I'm going the weekend after I go to Lausanne. Very freaky!

Estonia - wow! An artist residence sounds really intriguing - what is involved? Other than turning up. :)

Riss said...

Indeed. (c: It's beautiful. The Musee l'art de brut is worth it if strange. It's not your typical museum. :D What are you doin' in this neck of the woods?

Switzerland is amazing, albeit expensive. I had a friend in St. Gallen and I was staying with him for a few days and it was great. (c:

Happy Travels!

The artist residences-all you usually have to do is apply and cross your fingers, and usually throw money at them. There are some that will pay you but they are few and far between.

Alrighty-running out the door to get to dinner.


Sylvia said...

We are meeting up with friends in St Gallen for the weekend - a huge group of us. It should be fun.

As we were already going that way, we ended up getting in touch with a friend who has moved from London to Lausanne and we'll be meeting him for dinner. So I don't know how much time I'll have to look around but I hope so!

I should be packing.

Riss said...

(C: Go pack. I'm in western Ireland at the moment...scrambling to find a way to get to London in time for my flight on Monday back to the states. Egads. I can't believe it's time to come home already. Enjoy your stay in Switzerland!