Tuesday, March 4, 2008


and thus begins the endless chant in my head "i'm going to italy i'm going to italy i'm going to italy" ....on Thursday. Totally stoked. This may mean a minor delay (in true Italian fashion) but I fully intend on pressing forward...pantsing all the way. (c: I love that term, by the by.

So yeah, there will be photos of said travels on flickr...there are currently photos of travel on flickr....www.flickr.com/photos/rissifish

I may have mentioned that before...but anyway.

So I am going to be utilizing one of my favorite resources-Couchsurfing-for my trip to Italy. I am also going to be traveling to Spain (finally!!) and will be using it there as well. Couchsurfing is a really great community of travelers who open their doors to fellow wanderers and host them for a few nights...really cuts down on the costs. It's a great experience so long as you pay attention and do your homework on the people before you contact them. I'm very excited. So excited I'm blogging about being excited at 12:15 in the morning. Oy.

But yes....all of this to mention that there will be chapter 3, it just may be late. Aside from that, I have nothing more to say because I can't possibly begin to describe the buzz of kinetic energy I have at the moment...there was that song...anticipation...pretty much my theme song at the moment.

Cheers and happy writing to all!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Happy writing and very happy Couchsurfing. It sounds like a delicious adventure!