Monday, August 25, 2008


has to be the highest of all unattractive behaviors. Especially when it comes not from a superficial place that was put there by society, but when it is born into a person.

More specifically, any parent who would encourage this in their own child should be drawn and quartered.

Children should be taught the value of whatever currency you use (I'd say dollar but that changes too much on a daily basis anymore)--but not to the sacrifice of love.

And I'm not talking that hippy shit that those others would call "quirky" are always going on about...but I am talking about value. There is a level of value that comes from the quality of our relationships which is dictated by the quality of people we have around us. If I don't have a dime in my pocket, and yes, I've been there, I know that there are people who will be my friends regardless. My family, charmingly dysfunctional as they are, will still love me.

In short, they won't define my value by how much money I have in my bank account.

And while it might be hip and cool to flaunt whatever assets you think you have around, because our society has told us as much, if the world blows up and all of your possessions are gone, then what? The means by which you've defined yourself are gone and you're left with nothing. In the biggest sense. Assuming that we're left at all. Regardless.

You have to take time to cultivate the interior, the mind, the soul, whatever word you want to put on it--intelligence to me will never be defined by marrying someone or being with a person because it means you can pay your rent but are emotionally bankrupt.

And parents have this duty above all. So, listen up--quit being idiots and talking to your children about your money problems. Stop telling them the reason they can't have whatever stupid item they're asking for is because of the dollar value, don't tell them that you go shopping at certain places only because of money or whatever. Sometimes it's unavoidable and yes, they have to have an idea of how money and the economy works, but they don't need to have it define every element of their lives.

I can't even begin to express the absolute hatred of that behavior/attitude, whatever, I have. I can sit here and fume and type and say whatever but there is no word for it. Disgust comes close.

There is nothing that hurts me more than seeing someone, especially a kid, offer up or treat the things in their life that actually mean something as though they were nothing just because the monetary "value" isn't evident.

What good is a piece of paper that we give a virtual value to when it really comes down to it?

I need to find my copy of Zen and the Art.


Steve Malley said...

I'm quite the fan of Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, m'self.

I had to read your post twice. The second time, I did enjoy your heartfelt and profound thoughts. (You're actually kind of wise, y'know.)

The first time, sadly, I just kept thinking, "Materalism isn't the most unattractive of all behaviors, is it? What about picking your nose up to the wrist?!"

Anonymous said...

Great post.
Kids are so pesky.
I think at times it is good to let your kids to know that they cannot have the next shiny box on the shelf because the parents can't afford it.
I never shy away from saying that, though I add, there is more to life than the latest ipod.
And for their life they cannot understand why I cling onto my old mobile and don't buy designer watches.
Perhaps it is better to show rather than tell.

Riss said...

Kids need structure and it needs to be in ways they understand, so yes showing is better than telling. If you don't show that you're obsessed with the latest and newest stuff or, more specifically, talk down about other people because they don't wear the latest or newest thing then they learn, subtly and through their subconscious *which is infinitely more intelligent than our conscious minds* and they internalize yea, actions really do speak louder than any words.